Dirt bikes are very popular in large parts of the world. However, they can be difficult to manage if you don’t know what you’re doing with them. In this blog post, I’ll discuss with you how to whip a dirt bike for more control and better handling.
“Whipping a dirt bike is a challenging activity that should only be attempted by experienced riders who are comfortable sending it largely on jumps”
How To Whip A Dirt Bike For Beginners? going fast and going hard is a thrill that can only be matched by the whip – a non-standard trick with an insane level of difficulty.
The whip looks like this: you approach the jump at full speed, off it in some kind of position (usually standing), and land on your wheels. And whip around 180 degrees before landing back on the ground. It’s not for beginners but if you want to learn how to whip a dirt bike without fear then read these five tips below.
What is a “Whip” in Dirt Bike?
The rider will get on either the left or right side of their bike and then quickly move back to the center, allowing them to land. This is an impressive trick that riders perform while mid-air during a jump. It is known as whip because it looks like you are whipping your body around in order for this movement to be completed.
These riders do even more extreme whips, which brings the bike to a completely vertical position. The rider then turns it back around for their landing so that they are upright again. This means that the rider will actually turn their bike upside-down before returning it back to its proper position for their landing.
Dirt Bike Whip [Guidance]
Whipping a dirt bike is fun and anyone can do it by following these steps. Just like anything, you must first practice learning how to whip your bike properly in order for the trick to work well. It’s also important that you have a good balance while doing this so be sure not to fall over.
A whip is a jump-aligning move that helps riders realign themselves during a course. In case, they took the wrong line, allowing them to land.
The point of this method is for athletes to end up landing on 2 wheels instead of off-track after the turn. When there are tight turns following any obstacle.
If you’re trying to learn how to whip a dirt bike, then I’m here for you! It may take a little practice but with this guide, it will be easy.
- As you approach the jump, start whipping your dirt bike by curving or twisting it.
- Begin to extend your inner leg of the leap to the point where your dirt bike is pushed sideways.
- Push the dirt bike’s handlebars and front tire outward.
- As you return to the earth, straighten up your bike and cease pushing with your leg to ensure a seamless transition from air to land.
Begin With Lower Jumps and Stay Vigilant
There are some riders who will get too eager to do jumps that professional dirt bike riders can do because it looks easy. These stunts look easy for the pros, but they have been doing them for decades – this isn’t a skill you pick up overnight!
You should aim to jump high enough so that you learn how to perform whips and your rider doesn’t scrape along the ground when landing as this is dangerous.
It is important not only to find an appropriate height jump but also one at which timing of jumping off. Catching back on provides ample time in mid-air without putting yourself into a risky position until well after touching down once again.
When looking for a jump, try to find one that has some dirt mounds. The purpose of the whip is something you’ve heard before it’s about being able to do tricks in mid-air without having your bike touch down on the solid ground every time.
If there are high piles of dirt where you want to take off from. Then those will help get really good height and distance while still giving yourself enough time in the air. Which can pull off any kind of trick or stunt (with help if necessary). You should consider what type of jumps suit your skill level best as well.
How To Move Fast Towards The Jump
When learning how to ride a dirt bike, you will quickly discover that it’s important not to go too fast. If you’re going too slow then the risk of falling off is low. But if you start riding at high speeds and lose control of your bike then there could be serious consequences.
The key lies in finding out what speed keeps enough momentum for airtime while also giving us more stability. So we can handle our own on rough terrain without worrying about making mistakes or losing balance.
Slow and steady wins the race, or in this case, whips a dirt bike. When first learning how to whip a dirt bike, you don’t want to go at top speed because it’s too dangerous until you’ve got some experience under your belt. Pushing out while keeping the body close can be tough but necessary for success; take as many tries as needed.
- Gain some momentum by speeding up as much as possible in at least second gear or third for more speed.
- Lean back to lift the front wheel off of the ground so that only one tire is spinning. While also leaning forward with your upper body weight over this single tire.
- Begin turning towards whichever side has less traction (elevated foot), putting pressure onto. Whatever rear pedal isn’t touching anything beneath it. Then straighten yourself out again once both feet are facing perpendicular to each other as they would during regular riding.
To Curve With Momentum Mandatory
When you go into the whip, it is important to curve it with momentum so that your bike will be ready for a jump. If this does not happen correctly, then you cannot control and guide the dirt bike as well when going through turns or jumps. Before attempting to perform a whip, the biker needs to position themselves in order for their bike and body movements to work together.
A carves into turns by leaning forward at an angle while maintaining control of acceleration via foot breaks or hand brakes before executing jumps and tricks.
To create momentum around corners as well as jump with ease is best done. When turning your front wheel towards? where you’re about to curve–the opposite direction that normal wheels are supposed to turn on flat ground. This will make it easier for riders to find the right balance between speed/acceleration.
Steering through curves without losing stability mid-air; is like riding over ramps! Start by approaching the leap from the side. As you approach the jump, start carving (or twisting) the bike.
Your dirt bike will begin to prepare for the whip if you complete this stage. While in the air, your bike should be curved such that the handlebars and front tire face outward and resemble an S shape.
Whipping vs. Scrubbing: How to Scrub a dirt bike whip?
There is actually a large difference between whipping and scrubbing on a dirt bike, which you can read about here. When whipping, the goal (as stated in the input) is to get your entire body into the air as high as possible.
If done it’s called “whipping“, but once airborne there are no rules that dictate how long or how far back one must be leaned. If any part of individual touches down while they’re still up in the air then this trick has failed. However, once landed they have not completed their whip.
Yet, depending upon where/how down was touched it becomes known either as ‘a a scrub’ or ‘hitting’. Whips aren’t typically used for anything other than fun although some motors.
Whether you’re racing or just riding the trails, scrubbing will always be more about speed and efficiency. It helps riders avoid spending too much time in the air so they can maximize their position on a racecourse. Oe trail by continuing to move forward as often as possible.
Riding with style takes precedence over going faster when whipping around turns. But it is similar because both techniques rely upon tilting one’s bike toward the ground for aerodynamic purposes while carving through curves of dirt paths.
It is difficult to tell from the pictures alone that there are two different types of dirt bike riders. One has a serious expression and looks like they’re doing some hard work.
While in another shot, this person stands on their seat with an acrobatic pose. It seems much more carefree about what’s happening around them.
The first type may be scrubbing – which means riding over bumps at high speeds. Whereas the second might be practicing for tricks or shows done during motocross races called whip kicks (they stand up on one side).
Jarryd McNeil is one of the most well-rounded motocross athletes on the face of the planet. He is the most well-rounded rider on the planet and described fundamental techniques about the whip: 5 Time ‘Best Whip’ XGames Medalist Teaches Us How To Whip A Dirtbike
Dirt Biker’s Guide To Jumping For Beginners
To learn how to whip, you need good form and a jump that feels comfortable. To stay loose on the bike with no kickers in your way, get centered by riding on the balls of your feet. This will allow for greater movement while also helping to keep concentration throughout each trick attempt.
Once settled into this position consider these steps:
- Start out small with an easy jumping spot that isn’t too high or steep. So you can focus more without feeling pressured about nailing it first try.
- Be patient as long as everything is smooth. Because if there’s even one mistake then most likely all tricks after are going to go bad until practice improves said mistakes.
- When taking off make sure hips face downhill and shoulders back/inside armpits pointing.
1. Learning to Carve is Hard, But Not Impossible
Before you even approach the jump, start carving or turning as your ride up. You want to make a half-moon-shaped line going up the face of the jump. This will allow for more whip before takeoff and be easier on your body if done correctly. While sitting down rather than standing since it gives more pop coming off of the lip with speed.
As your dirt bike begins to curve from the initial jump and rise into an S shape, feel it begin to turn sideways. Before you land on top of its back tire, make sure that your handlebars are facing upward while the front wheel is parallel with the ground.
The rear should slightly come forward as both wheels point downward toward earth for a split second before landing gently onto them. To get the most out of your jump, you should be leaning off of the dirt bike at a slight angle.
If you lean too far back or forward it will drag down instead and won’t whip as smoothly. Your body position needs to allow for an explosive push-off with both legs. While also pushing away from behind on handlebars so that they are close to your chest when in midair.
2. Shape Your Body: How to Move
As you jump-start the bike, push with your inside leg to keep it in its whips position. As your rear end starts coming out of the whip lean a little off of your outside leg.
So that it can support most of the weight and maintain accuracy on a trajectory. Your legs should be slightly bent at this point without draping over too much into an extreme angle. But also not completely straightened either (this is where experience plays a part).
You need to remain on the dirt bike to maintain control over it, but also helps when executing a whip. To execute a whip, riders push out with their inside leg and tilt at an angle so they can pull back up easily while still keeping balance.
It may sound easy sitting off of your dirt bike for the first few times you try whips. Because there’s more power behind them this way, but don’t forget how hard it is once getting used to if that becomes uncomfortable or hurts too much.
3. Middle Point of Jump, Upward Direction
As you enter the middle portion of your jump, try to turn your handlebars towards the outside. This helps get the bike flatter as you’re pushing with one leg.
While also kicking the back end out using another leg and flattening it out by pulling downward on a bar. When learning how to do a whip, it’s important that you start off with the correct position.
Remember to sit down and put your weight on one foot while keeping both legs rigidly straight. This will help keep balance when standing up for the jump part of this trick!
When practicing jumps make sure you push inwards so as not to let go too early or late into takeoff. Which would cause an unstable landing (and probably get injured).
4. Begin To Come Back Down To The Ground
You want to bring your handlebar back down and stop pushing with your inside leg. This will keep the bike from coming out too far as you transfer weight back towards the outside of the pedal.
This leads to a push against the frame that is meant for straightening the rear end of the dirt bike. By now, both rider and machine should be nearly aligned in their proper positions so control can easily and follow through without much effort needed on either part alone.
As your bike becomes straight along the ground, give it a little extra push with the throttle. The force from the throttle will help to pull through and complete the pulling through of this whip as well.
To ride a ramp, make sure that your body is not flexed and bracing for impact. Instead, you should be fluid and ready to go with the grooves of the jump.
Also, ensure that your bike isn’t too perpendicular so it doesn’t result in skidding along the ground because of incorrect angles.
Another tough step; one inch of the bike being leaned too far in either way and the rider risks a full wipe-out. To perform a flawless whip, your body and dirt bike should be absolutely straight aligned with one another.
So, how does this dirt bike trick work? Well, it requires training and perfecting the technique. You also have to make sure that you are in a safe place when practicing so nothing goes wrong! It’s definitely something worth watching if done precisely as an expert rider would do!
1. Be Positive and Hopeful
When you let fear in, it can make the jump messier and scarier. You could even injure yourself! When doing a whip, be confident that you will stay safe with this trick without causing any damage to your bike or body.
Know for sure what is right before attempting something dangerous like a whip because of how difficult they are. It can be scary and difficult to try a whip on a dirt bike, but it’s always best to start off with small jumps so that riders have time to learn their strengths and weaknesses when jumping. This will help them minimize the damage done while trying a whipping maneuver.
Once you start your first few whips, it is normal to feel nervous about how well the whip will turn out or if you’ll fall off and get hurt. Don’t worry too much though – falling has a lot of learning potential! It’s all about practicing and figuring things out for yourself.
If anything, having confidence in riding makes it easier. Since that means more practice time without so many second thoughts on what could go wrong next with each attempt at the move.
2. How Much Push Is Too Much: Excessive Push
When a dirt biker approaches the jump, he needs to get his bike turned towards it so that when in flight, he can push with his inside leg for an optimal whip.
After getting into position within the air and pushing outwards on their right side of the handlebars with their inner thigh. Then riders use this same technique but instead turn inward further than usual.
While maintaining speed along with turning outward as they pass over the top of jumps. Using your leg to push the dirt bike when jumping will ensure that you have enough momentum for a successful jump. If you force it to tilt, then your balance is off and should be adjusted before attempting another jump.
3. Making a Successful Landing Jump
When landing the jump after performing a whip on your dirt bike, it is important to keep in mind that you will not be able to land directly parallel or perpendicular to the ground.
If this happens then there’s an increased chance of injuring yourself and damaging both you and your bike. If something slips up during execution. Your form should remain loose throughout, focusing on staying balanced.
As well as getting into position by being closer toward the balls of your feet than heels. When riding out towards where you want forward momentum from whipping. Then done at speed doing so without having got body inclined too far back would cause the rider to skid along the surface. Thus need to ensure decent space between the rear-wheel/ground & front tire for landing.
4. Go Slow: Take It Easy (MX Whip)
When first starting to try a whip, riders do not want to be going full speed doing tricks that haven’t been practiced several times. Riders also don’t want to go too slow when learning how this trick is done. Since mistakes can happen and they may lose control of the bike if it’s moving slowly.
Thus, take each step one at a time when beginning: learn how pushing out works before attempting more complex maneuvers.
For example, turning the steering wheel at the same time or jumping many ramps during your ride-through. It’s entirely normal and encouraged to recognize that you must do each step one at a time.
In addition, do practice them separately over time with trial and error before bringing them all together to produce the ideal whip. It’s critical to keep both yourself and your bike safe.
5. Any Special Dirt Bike for Whipping?
A good way to determine the best off-road bikes for you is by considering what kind of riding style you have. There are many different styles such as off-roading, sport biking, and cruising so take some time figuring out what one fits your needs.
Not only that but it’s also important to consider factors like where you’re going to ride which will influence how much power each model provides or if they even provide enough speed in general. A lot goes into deciding on the right type of motorbike because no two individuals are alike when it comes down to their preferences.
6. Kinds of Dirt Bikes
There are a variety of dirt bikes to choose from. Some have two-stroke engines and some four, but the most important thing is that you get one with an engine size.
Moreover, there are no bigger than 125ccs if you plan on racing them in sanctioned events; larger motors need their own separate class. The next option, even before price tag details or other amenities.
Like suspension work comes into play for your final decision-making process will be how much power it has out of the gate at maximum rpm (usually 8000). Motocross is a popular dirt bike used for whipping, as that’s where it started with Kevin Windham.
It’s done in motocross and has more fantastical purposes than technical or efficient ones. But there isn’t just one specific type of dirt bike designed to do the trick – they vary between brands depending on how you plan to use them.
Final Verdict
The dirt bike is a tricky and difficult machine to master. If you are new to the sport of motocross, it can be overwhelming how much there is to know about this type of racing.
We’ve provided some helpful tips that will help you become an expert on your whip-off in no time! With these tricks up your sleeve, riding off into the sunset won’t seem so hard after all.