Dirt bike riders are a passionate bunch. Whether they’re racing, exploring trails, or socializing with other bikers, they have a lot of love for the sport and its culture. This post will teach you how to draw a dirt bike with a rider so that you can show your support for this dynamic community! The key to drawing an awesome dirt bike is understanding perspective.
Learn how to draw a dirt bike with a rider to get your artistic juices flowing, unleash your creative side and quickly sketch the outline of a dirt bike with our easy step-by-step lesson.
Step 1.
Marking off the width and height of your picture, add guidelines for a man’s body and bike. Draw his helmet outline it with an arrow through its center to state that he is riding on a bicycle as well! Finally, draw three sets of wheels in different sizes, so they can be easily seen by viewers.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Sketch the bike, paying attention to its most important components. Details on how the helmet functions should also be included in order for riders of all skills levels to understand their importance. When riding this type of vehicle- whether it is rented or owned.
Step 6.
Draw the parts that you want to be most noticeable. For example. It’s not just what you draw that matters, but how. If I were drawing a picture of someone important to me and their voice came on the other end asking “What are they wearing?” it would be really embarrassing. The tone should also reflect professionalism so people don’t make fun or laugh at us when we call for help in an emergency situation.
Step 7.
The first step in drawing a dirt bike is to draw the figure, paying attention to small details. It’s important that you focus on your line work because if not there can be mistakes such as misspending or overusing shadows. Which gives an unprofessional look to our piece of art!
Step 8.
Contour the bike with its rider, trying to vary both the thickness and darkness of the line. Add more detail by adding road lines as well as bushes in order to give it a more realistic feel. Erase all guidelines for an even better final product that will make you proud to call your own work when done editing.
My Suggestions
This is a rudimentary dirt bike that we’ve put together. It’s something that someone would recognize as exactly the sort. But if you need anything more precise, printing and tracing are always options.
Depending on how competent they were at sketching out their own changes before starting. This might make your ride unique by following another person’s design or even inventing one from scratch.
You can find a specific model or you could just as easily freehand your favorite bike. There are plenty of resources out there that will help with the tracing process, so once you get started it goes quickly.
Trace over what parts need different sizes and shapes before trying again for better results in making them bigger. Then other models are seen without having to go back through all those steps again starting from scratch.
The best thing about drawing a dirt bike is that you can make it totally unique. You decide what designs and new body parts, the possibilities are endless. I hope that going to follow this step-by-step tutorial on how to design a dirt bike will be a pleasure.